Value of a Grow Log
We have spoken with many different growers and some of them track their grow log in a Journal on their laptop, some record temps daily in a notebook. Ask yourself, “how are you collecting your grow data and is there a way to improve on that?” There is a risk in taking physical measurements everyday. What if you forget? What if your journal gets wet or damaged and you lose the data? How much time does that take you everyday and what else could you be doing to impact the quality and yield of your grow instead? Value of a Grow Log.
- You don’t know what you don’ know or measure
- Achieve your ideal targets – set for next time
- Increase Yield and Quality
- Learn from past Successes
- Help solve problems
There are many benefits of building data, not just any data but actionable data. With a proper Grow Log you can use historical data to increase performance – yield and quality. Have all of your measurements in one place – safely stored and protected, reference data by strain, integrate the data, & collect it for you,
With a properly integrated Grow Log you can set out your sensors to gather data and do the recording for you. Here you will identify problems and solutions. Seriously, take your grow to the next level with our integrated Grow Log. The intuitive dashboard will make your feel like a master grower. More control in your hands. Giving you keys to succeed based on your historical data. Value of a Grow Log.
How does Grow Linc achieve this?
In this section, you will see that a Grow is organized into three different segments. Profiles, Pods & Cycles. All of your important information is stored, displayed and populated in this area. The Profiles, Pods and Cycles are always saved so you will have the information at your fingertips.
A Grow’s Profile displays basic information about the grow, including the Profile’s name and type, and the strain, number, age, and stage (s) of plants in the grow. The Grow Profile hosts information and actions for a specific grow. You provide the label for that specific Grow, all of the relative data is captured under that Profile. If you need to improve on your previous performance, the historical data is loaded and you can make your necessary adjustments.
A Grow Pod contains information on the actual location that the Profile is grown. In this section, you name the Pod, the actual sensors are tracked that are used in this Pod and you can add pictures to the reports as the Grow matures. This makes trouble-shooting a faulty sensor easy as its exact location is tracked.
Grow Cycles track the Profile, Pod and the Stage of the plant through the Grow. Here you monitor how long the plant goes through each stage vs the target, how many hours of grow you achieved optimal growing conditions, and here is where you can access the Grow Log to store pictures and notes. Value of a Grow Log.
- Maintain proper environmental conditions for optimal plant growth and health.
Actionable data
- Capture accurate data at the right time to turn it into action for better overall results.
- Increased quality and yield
- A consistent temperature is the key to maximizing yields and quality
- Long-range, wireless LoraWan networks with rugged sensors ensures connectivity within any environment.
Peace of mind
- Monitor your operation in real-time to keep your investment safe
Flexible and easy
- The fully customizable menu lets you monitor your growing conditions from anywhere, mobile to desktop!
- Uniquely connected
- The user-friendly interface connects all of your rooms with one, single hub all while using a sustainable, low energy battery.
Intelligent processes
The Grow log, integrated tracking journal helps analyze if plants are in optimal growing conditions with our system, you set your parameter based on your experience and knowledge
• Repeatable Yields. Repeatable Results
• Simple. Proactive. Innovative
• Maintain consistent, ideal growing conditions
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